What Members Are Saying:


Enrolled Agent

"I have learned so much in the past week from taking your courses and am working towards a better career in a field that I love!"



"If you're looking for an MBA-level resource of practical knowledge to all aspects of business, you've found the right place."



"As an attorney and as a CPA, I've learned a lot in the short time I've been a member. The lessons are relevant for every kind of client that walks through my door."

What Do You Want to Learn Today?

Easy-to-follow video tutorials help you learn all aspects of small business success.

  • Our extensive library is filled with hundreds of hours of content. You can filter by topic, search by keyword or just browse.

  • Complete the course at your own pace (or test out). All videos are web based - no textbooks, no boring lectures.

  • Clients will appreciate your broad and comprehensive business knowledge. You'll understand the full 360 view on your clients issues and opportunities.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should I be interested in the CEA program?

    If you’re an advisor to small businesses, you can benefit from the CEA program. We’re ideal for accountants, business lawyers, insurance agents, financial planners, business consultants, IT consultants and more.

  • What kind of knowledge background do I need to have to be in the CEA Program?

    A general business education is enough. You’re an expert in your field: the purpose of the CEA program is to expand your capabilities and skills to be competent in the whole spectrum of small business management and operations.

  • What’s the real value of the CEA certification?

    Having a comprehensive knowledge of virtually every aspect of managing a small business gives you a tremendous competitive advantage in your specialty. Whether you are an accountant, lawyer, financial planner or consultant, you’ll get knowledge and tools that will help you be a hero to your clients in unexpected ways. Know more = added value = make more money.

  • Does the program qualify for Continuing Education in my profession?

    Simple answer: yes.

  • Am I tied to a contract?

    Absolutely not. You can cancel your account at any time.

  • How often do you release new content?

    We’re constantly adding and updating our comprehensive video library. Nowhere else can you find the equivalent of a specialized small business management MBA in such an easily digestible format.

Multiply Your Success One Video At A Time.

Learn. Advise. Prosper.